Instrumentalist Students/Groups (outside U.S.)


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To help students, we offer a special low rate of only $11 for 1 year. For delivery outside the United States, there is an additional charge of $19 per year over the regular rates. That cost is included in the prices. Download a signup sheet.

College Professors: As you prepare your students for teaching careers, be sure to introduce them to the resource that will help them every step of the way. For over 60 years, The Instrumentalist has offered a wide range of articles written by directors who deal with the issues your students will face once they begin their careers. Use The Instrumentalist as a supplemental text for your classes.
Your group subscription can be shipped/billed directly to you or to students’ addresses. If the magazines are to be sent to students, include their names and addresses under order notes during checkout.

Students: Get a head start on your career with a student subscription to The Instrumentalist. Take advantage of the resource that school music teachers around the world count on for valuable advice, inspiration, and ideas. Every article is written by an experienced musician or teacher. Include your school name or teacher’s name during checkout.

As an added bonus, all subscribers get access to The Instrumentalist online at no additional cost. Subscribers can refer to articles in the current and past issues at any time and get special web exclusives relating to the material in the issues.

For customers outside the U.S. we will only accept credit card payment (no checks).