Awards Policies
1. Limited Quantities: The John Philip Sousa Award, Louis Armstrong Jazz Award, and the National School Orchestra Award are limited to one student per school per year. The National School Choral Award is limited to two boys and two girls per school per year. In the unusual instance of a tie, the director should certify this fact to us and present an extra award. All portions of a combination set must be given to the same student, not divided among students.
2. Unlimited Quantities: The Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award, National School Marching Award, Woody Herman Jazz Award, Director’s Awards for Band, Orchestra, and Chorus, Quincy Jones, Parent/Booster Awards, and the Merit, Musicianship, and First Chair Certificates are available in unlimited quantities.
3. To purchase a wall plaque or add-on plaque you must also purchase at least one element of a student award from us to present to the student. Schools may not just put the student’s name on a wall plaque.
4. Awards Recipients are selected by the director, music department, or other school officials, not by The Instrumentalist. We do not offer engraving services.
5. Money-Back Guarantee: Any award may be returned in good condition for full credit. An award that is defective or damaged in transit will be replaced.
6. Awards will be sold only to schools and never to individuals. The only exception is the certificate frame. We will initially bill another entity, such as a booster club or teacher, but the school receiving the awards is responsible for payment of these items. If an order is placed for multiple schools, the name of the school giving each award must be specified.
7. Shipping: This is not included in the price of the award and reflects our actual costs. Please call for shipping costs outside the continental U.S. (including for Hawaii and Alaska).
All awards sold by The Instrumentalist Awards LLC (including the names and images) are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and are protected by registered marks. Duplication of these awards or the creation of similar awards is prohibited and will be prosecuted. Please inform us of any violation of these registered marks.